Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 4 - Goodreads - Good Reading!

Well I've been busy on Goodreads this week.  I joined a year ago and posted absolutely nothing, so I had to get cracking for this assignment. In the past three days I rated 142 books (much to the chagrin of my Facebook friends - sorry about the feed!), and while I had many friends already, as of today I have 79.  I sent and accepted several requests for Goodreads friends. I made two special shelves in addition to the shelves provided, and those are "chicklit" and "overrated-drivel."  The dreaded Fifty Shades is in the overrated-drivel category with one lonely star.

I recommended Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight to Chris Mitchell who was looking for a fast paced contemporary women's fiction read.  This title fit the bill for her.  I looked at many of the book recommendations, many of which I had already read and forgotten about.  I also explored some of the suggested lists, including 'Books That Need to Die Painfully" which included all of the Twilight series and many of Jodi Picoult's books.  The incredible Paula Willey suggested a young adult title to me which I will actually read. Thanks Paula!

I don't know that I will necessarily keep up with Goodreads.  It may be a handy way for me to keep a reading log of titles I have read.  For actual reviews I still will consult Amazon and look at what the trade journals have said, or take a look at Polaris which tells me the same thing. I didn't find Goodreads to be particularly intuitive to use.  I enjoyed this exercise, but it's another Internet addiction I don't need.


  1. You've been busy, Karin! Four weeks in, have you found any difference in your RA conversations with customers? :-)

  2. Love your "overrated-drivel" section!!

  3. Karin! I am recommending a new graphic novel, "When David Lost his Voice" by Judith Vanistendael. I remembered how much you liked "Stitches" by David Small and it is a lot like that in theme and tone. It has strong character development, and solid story. I hope you enjoy it!
